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Creative Brain for Hire

Business Man

Imagine the value to you and your organization of being able to access, as required, an external creative perspective for solving your problems and exploiting new opportunities.

Hindsight might be 20/20, but valuable foresight is extremely rare in these times of rapid change. And since your industry ‘experts’ see things through the filters of their previous experience and current ‘political’ concerns, their guidance is all too often more of a liability (promoting tunnel vision like a horse wearing ‘blinders’).

Dr Howard Eisenberg Portrait

Dr. Howard Eisenberg  can be your outsourced ‘Creative Thinker’ providing you with the competency to break through the conditioning of the familiar by thinking-out-of-the-box (and also saving you the costs of in-house personnel and training programs).

You can buy ‘breakthrough creative ideas’ from us online, anytime!

Our creative thinking services have been contracted by a variety of prestigious clients such as: American Express, Avery Dennison, IBM, Motorola, National Telecommunications Alliance, Ontario Hydro, Royal Bank, Sears, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux, SunLife, Texas Instruments, as well as many prominent fast tracking individuals.

Read “Become a Creative Breakthrough Thinker: Increase Your Value to Your Organization©” which describes some aspects of a training program which we developed for Motorola on creative thinking.

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Call us today at (905) 895‑4488 or via our