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life coaching

Improved Reality

Have you ever fantasized about how your life could be so different if you were only able to make really meaningful changes? Changes that would enable you to feel less like an overwhelmed ‘victim’; changes that would transformationally lead to a more fulfilling life?

You are where you are now in your Life mostly as a result of the various choices you’ve made up to this point. Even your smallest decisions can generate unforeseen major consequences. As Tony Robbins noted – “Where focus goes, energy flows”. Your moment-to-moment choices of focus dramatically shape your whole life to come. This is your Life after all – so choose to learn how to end up as the victorious Hero of your own Life Story.

There’s a Chinese proverb that says the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

faviconLearn ways to live in a more embodied & mindful manner

faviconGain a greater ability to experience ‘peace of mind’

faviconTake pleasure ‘in the present moment’

faviconBe more deeply connected to the people in your life

faviconFulfill your dreams for an increasingly better life

It’s never easy making such big changes alone, and without an effective Plan. Partner with me as your Life Coach to help you make the necessary positive changes in your personal, family & work life – to become how you’ve dreamed of being.

Are you coachable?

faviconMentally healthy?

faviconMore invested in changing, than complaining?

faviconCommitted to personal growth for a more satisfying future?

faviconCan deal with the truth?

faviconWilling to do the work to better yourself?

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” – Albert Einstein

Einstein was a genius in more ways than one. He also discovered how to power up creative thinking ability – as he explained – “No problem can be solved from the same level of thinking that created it”. Or in other words, ‘Two heads are better than one’.

It’s impossible to see ourselves objectivelyas others see us. And it’s extremely hard to break our old beliefs & habits. By contrast, working with a Coach is the most accelerated way to achieve successful changes.

My Life Coaching helps you clarify your goals, challenge your assumptions, identify your blind spots, optimize your resources, and ensure your actions are aligned with what you want to achieve for a more satisfying future

Imagine the personal benefit to you of engaging my services as your trusted confidante, advisor, motivator, strategist & accountability partner – somebody smart, widely experienced & accomplished, highly reputed, objective, & focused exclusively on your interests.


As a participant in my Life Coaching program, you can expect to feel more alive and ‘present’, to have interesting conversations & fun, to enjoy plenty of ‘ah-ah insights’ and to accomplish new things – perhaps even beyond what you’ve ever imagined possible.

faviconInsightful feedback

faviconEncouragement to imagine the Big Picture

faviconPower up your intentions

faviconSynergistically work with the underlying currents of change

faviconAchieve success

Types of Coaching Needs & Benefits

faviconStress Resilience to counter the pressures & unrelenting changes

faviconTime Management for life balance & productivity

faviconRelationship coaching/People skills

faviconSmarter decision-making

faviconCreative problem solving

faviconStrategic & tactical people-wise advice

faviconReinforcement to ‘go the distance

Dr. Howard Eisenberg, Life Coaching and Executive Coaching GTA

Your Coach

Dr. Howard Eisenberg has a diverse and accomplished background as a Scientist, Executive, Physician, Psychotherapist, Professor, Author, Radio Host, Management Consultant, Corporate Trainer, Public Speaker & Coach. His credentials & accomplishments are cited in several previously highly reputable Marquis’ biographical reference texts such as, Who’s Who in America.

Dr. Eisenberg helped pioneer the Life Coach model of Counseling and introduced its instruction at several Universities. He’s a member of the NeuroLeadership Institute and also an affiliate member of the Institute of Coaching.

He is the author of the new breakthrough book – *Dream it to Do it: The Science & the Magic.*

Dr. Howard Eisenberg’s coaching is ideal for people who are ready to take proactive steps towards positive change. If you’re dissatisfied with your current reality & ready to make real changes in your life – Life Coaching with Dr. Eisenberg may be just the thing you need to move from being stuck in a relative rut, to actually achieving your higher goals.

Dr. Eisenberg’s confidential Life Coaching services are available in-person, via phone, and online.

Life Coach Toronto Verified Coach of Excellence Quality Expertise Integrity. The International Coaching Network

NeuroLeadership Institute | Member

Small Business Award

See the opportunity. TAKE ACTION. Get results.


If you could qualify to become one of 

Dr. Howard Eisenberg’s 

Select Coaching Clients:

NOTE: These advisory Coaching services are not intended, nor appropriate, for individuals with clinical mental health issues