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Executive Life Coaching

Are You for Real© ?

By November 14, 2015July 31st, 2018No Comments

The Challenge of Being Real – Authentic

In our increasingly fast-paced & competitive economy, you have to move faster & faster and also more opportunistically to survive. So there’s little time to pause & reflect, let alone be fully present to ‘connect’ with those right in front of you.

We increasingly value ‘e-distance communication’ over ‘face-to-face’ conversations. But then only 8 – 10% of the information exchange is verbal, in comparison to the 90 – 92% of the potential total communication which is ‘body language’. So with our increasing reliance on relatively superficial email & texting, we are filtering out  90 – 92% of the potential information exchange – short-sightedly valuing speed over deeper connection & more intelligent interaction.

With the popularity of ‘Personal Branding’, photoshopped Photos, requesting Facebook ‘Likes’,  Blog ghost writers, rating social & business success by the thousands of Facebook ‘Friends’ and Twitter ‘Followers’, (AND being able to simply purchase instant Twitter ‘Followers’),  how do you know who anybody really is anymore, or what to believe?

 Yet we thirst for authenticity – deeper connection with others and a greater sense of satisfaction


For a more authentic life, you need to begin with YOU – yourself.

Good stress management is when your mind & body are in the same space at the same time. So tune out to tune in. Be present, (by centering yourself in the here & now).

Welcome openness in your relationships, (and other people’s real feelings & opinions about you).

Think before you act – choose to do yourself proud, (like your inner GPS).



Copyright 2015, Syntrek® Inc., Toronto (GTA), Ontario, Canada
All rights reserved.

Author HowardEisenberg

Dr. Howard Eisenberg, M.Sc.(Psych), M.D., is an internationally renowned Management Consulting, Training, and Coaching specialist, in performance enhancement & collaborative intelligence.

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